Regenerative Medicine Through injections
Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain is the Number 1 Cause of Chronic Disability in the United States.
It is also the leading reason for patient visits to physicians. Treating musculoskeletal pain can be difficult. Conventional treatment options are, at times, insufficient to restore function and reduce pain. Physical therapy, osteopathic manipulation, drug treatment, corticosteroid injections and surgery can be beneficial in certain circumstances. When they are not successful, patients are often left without options.
To determine if you are a candidate for regenerative injections, a complete history and physical exam is done, sometimes along with lab tests, ultrasound evaluation, X-rays, CT scans, and MRI's. The joint/tendon/ligaments are evaluated and the site of damage or degeneration is determined.
A: For more than a century, osteopathic physicians have built a tradition of bringing health care to where it is needed most: DOs combine today's medical technology with their ears to listen caringly to their patients, with their eyes to see each patient as a whole person, and with their hands to diagnose and treat patients for injury and illness.