Regenerative Medicine Through injections

Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain is the Number 1 Cause of Chronic Disability in the United States.

It is also the leading reason for patient visits to physicians. Treating musculoskeletal pain can be difficult. Conventional treatment options are, at times, insufficient to restore function and reduce pain. Physical therapy, osteopathic manipulation, drug treatment, corticosteroid injections and surgery can be beneficial in certain circumstances. When they are not successful, patients are often left without options.

To determine if you are a candidate for regenerative injections, a complete history and physical exam is done, sometimes along with lab tests, ultrasound evaluation, X-rays, CT scans, and MRI's. The joint/tendon/ligaments are evaluated and the site of damage or degeneration is determined.



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Blood is made of red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs), plasma, and platelets. Platelets were initially known to be responsible for blood clotting, and in the last 20 years we have learned that when activated in the body, platelets also release healing proteins called ‘Growth Factors’ that stimulate repair.

The platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapy procedure: a small amount of the patient’s blood is collected then spun in a centrifuge to separate and concentrate the platelets. Then the platelets are injected back into the injured site. Because PRP utilizes your own blood to heal, each patient is unique and a “one size fits all” approach is not ideal. Our skilled technique at delivering the PRP, utilizing ultrasound guidance, ensures positive outcomes.


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In some cases, bone marrow cell therapy can be used as a non-surgical treatment alternative to having a surgical procedure. Unfortunately, there are some cases where surgery is unavoidable. In cases where surgery is recommended, bone marrow cells can be used as a supplement to help reduce the recovery time of the procedure and increase the chances of the treatment being a success.

The procedure is quick and generally painless. The bone marrow cells are harvested from your own body with the use of local anesthesia. The process of injecting bone marrow cells follows the same pattern as PRP. 




Prolotherapy has been used to treat painful conditions for decades. Prolotherapy uses the same physical process as PRP to initiate and accelerate the body’s response to healing, however, prolotherapy utilizes stimulus such as Dextrose, a concentrated sugar solution, in place of platelets to trigger healing. 


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Often time’s nerve pain is caused by adhesion’s, compression or restrictions.  These problems are prone to occur where nerves cross soft tissue planes.  A common example of this is carpal tunnel syndrome where the median nerve dives under a thick band of tissue called the transverse carpal ligament.  A non-surgical nerve release called “Hydrodissection” can be used to free up these common nerve entrapment’s and restrictions. 

Hydrodissection uses ultra sound guidance to visualize the problematic nerve. Once the restriction is isolated a small needle is placed next to the nerve and fluid is injected to free up the nerve. The procedure is virtually painless and the effects are immediate. 

Common Questions About Regenerative Injections

Regenerative Medicine UseS

Conditions That Regenerative Medicine May Help

Regenerative Injections

Frequently Asked Questions