A Healing Touch For The Whole Person
We’re often asked what makes an osteopath’s medical practice distinctive, and have found this description captures it well: Doctors of osteopathic medicine (DOs) combine today’s medical technology with their ears to listen caringly to their patients, with their eyes to see each patient as a whole person, and with their hands to diagnose and treat patients for injury and illness.
One of the cornerstones of any DO’s practice is osteopathic manipulation treatments. OMT is essentially healing touch. If you and Dr. Craig Chappell decide that this is the proper treatment for your muscle or other pain, such as pelvic and lower-back pain from pregnancy, he will manipulate — move — your muscles and joints. This may involve stretching, gentle pressure and resistance. Dr. Chappell uses OMT to diagnose, treat and prevent further injury.
This healing touch can help people of all ages and from all backgrounds, and has been used to successfully ease pain, promote healing and help patients get around better.
Of course, we also embrace treatments that modern medical science has given us. Dr. Chappell, as an osteopathic physician, has special training in the musculoskeletal system, so he understands how a condition in one part of the body may be connected to structural problems in another. Sometimes, surgery or regenerative injections are required. But often, OMT is the answer. Learn more about us or schedule a consultation at our website.